Cattle Crushes

Safety – Reliability – Efficiency

Leicht’s CIA Cattle Crushes

Mark Adams (Trading as MJA Cattle Scan) is an agent for Leicht’s CIA Cattle Crushes and Livestock Equipment.

The business is Australian family owned and has operated since 1984. The factory is located at Goombungee, South East Queensland. All their products are designed and engineered from the ground up with input from experienced cattlemen and women.

Having pregnancy tested over 350,000 head of cattle to date, I have always found the range of Leicht’s CIA cattle crushes safe and reliable to work in and around. This is why I endorse and recommend the products they manufacture. The cattle crushes continually out perform any other crushes on the market today for safety, reliability and practicality.

CIA Crush Delivery
Leicht’s CIA Crush Delivery

Cattle Crush in Operation

Watch the video of a Leicht’s CIA cattle crush in operation.

If you would like any information on the Leicht’s CIA cattle crushes, or their range of livestock equipment, please feel free to call me or send your inquiry through to the contact page.

CIA Crush Black Bute
Leicht’s CIA cattle crush – Black Bute
Leicht's Logo

Contact MJA Cattle Scan

If you would like more information on any aspect of cattle ultrasound pregnancy scanning, or to make a booking, please contact us.

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